Category Archives: Caleb
Uh-oh, I Think I’m Running Out of Teenagers
Be advised that reading this post may be offensive to some and cause the eyes of others to bleed. If either begins to occur then stop reading immediately and return later when properly clothed in big kid pants. Over the past few weeks I’ve had two pseudo-adults leave the safety of my well-feathered nest for…
Did John the Baptist Get a Raw Deal?
John the Baptist was put in jail because he told the king that he couldn’t lawfully have his brother’s wife. As John sat in a prison cell awaiting his fate, he sent a message to his cousin Jesus. In the message he asked Jesus if he was in fact the one or should the search…
Practical Christianity (a do over)
My Friends, I’ve expanded my circle of contacts somewhat. In some ways I regret the way I left my previous message regarding Practical Christianity. If you are reading this note and have no idea what I am talking about then that is because you didn’t receive or read my first message. I have posted the…
Practical Christianity is a Lie
I’ve been thinking lately about something called “practical Christianity” or “practical Christian living.” In your opinion what does that mean? I always assumed that this concept was instruction on how to apply Biblical principles to life’s circumstances so that I can honor God. What I am finding is that many people who apply Biblical principles…
Holiday Update
The news media has declared that we are in a national economic recession. The holiday season of 2008 has been forecast to be bleak because of the financial crunch. Keri and I have never had much money so we don’t plan on participating. I’m sure that a sound economy is an important part of our…
Death of a Rabbit
I’ve been thinking about you a lot lately. I miss you and often wish for your company. Let me tell you a story of recent events. Have you been home since your mom bought me this new chair I’m sitting on? I really like it. I spend so much time in it that I think…
Ghost Writer
My wife took the time recently to remember and write part of our story together. What follows is the abbreviated tale from Keri’s perspective of our wild adoption adventures. My life is nothing like I expected it to be. As a teenage girl I had my future carefully planned. I would attend college, get married…
Our Chronic Ailment
My Friend, Is it possible for one to be a mini-church pastor or a named leader of a ministry of our church and yet not attend the worship service on Sunday morning with the rest of us? What is happening in the heart of one who carries out their role in a church sponsored ministry…
Loose Strings and Frayed Knots
I can’t think of anything in my life that affected me more profoundly than when my heart got the news that I am unconditionally loved and accepted by God. It seems like such a simple thing doesn’t it; God’s love and acceptance of us? The hard part was accepting it for myself. The implications/consequences for…
Ana, Nicoleta, Luc, Mom, and Dad
Uh…I forgot to mention that Ana arrived three weeks ago. Once Miguel gets here I’m having an adoptive vasectomy performed. As a further precaution Keri is having an adoptive hysterectomy. These are simple procedures that we can perform at home. But I don’t know, that’s just me talkin’.