Category Archives: Caleb

Three Words

As I have gotten older I have found that my memory is not what it once was. Over the past few years I have begun to forget little things like where I left my keys or wallet or where I parked my car. It has been particularly irritating to my children. I haven’t forgotten any…

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I’m Just Not Feeling It

Most people carry out their lives based on how they feel. The criteria for decision making goes something like this. What will make me feel good now? How can I feel loved now? What can I choose to do now to minimize my pain? What can I choose to do now to prolong, manage, and…

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Surrender Even This?

I’m thinking that if I were not being forced to endure the consequences of the poor choices of others then my life would be roses. On the other hand that may just be an illusion that I have manufactured. If I didn’t have the mess of someone else to distract me then I would have…

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The Next Day

Carry over from: Wet Roads After returning home I went back to bed. I’m amazed now that I was able to go back to sleep. I had a huge mess to clean up in the morning. The following morning Nick and I went to the service station in the heart of downtown Ooltewah. After explaining…

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Honor The Pain

How does one write a story that doesn’t end well? People don’t want the ending that’s real…the truth. People want the happy ending where everyone lives happily ever after…the lie. They want the lie even if they know it’s a lie. The reader is the customer. The writer is supposed to give the customer what…

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Bella Speaks

I was sitting on my back porch trying to articulate my thoughts when Bella sat down next to me at the table. She had her IPad and asked me if I would let her use my keyboard. I explained that she couldn’t use it because I was using it. But I have a spare so…

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The Code

It happened recently that my granddaughter’s wooden backyard play set was blown over during a storm. My son sent me pictures of the damage. One neighbor had another neighbor’s trampoline firmly planted high in a tree. According to my son the play set was damaged beyond repair so he was making plans to buy another…

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Bella’s Dream and My Next Life

I have a daughter, Ashley, who is thirty-four and a granddaughter, Bella, who is five years old. For all practical purposes I am Bella’s father also. Over the recent holiday my oldest daughter told me as I was going to bed that she couldn’t wait to see and experience Bella when she is grown up….

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The Ocean is Real

I have had the misfortune of observing and participating in the difficult circumstances of some very important people to me. Their stories remind me of another story I heard or read a long time ago. A little boy was happily playing in a mud puddle as little boys do. It happened that as the boy…

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