Category Archives: Caleb
The Routine

One or two Christmas’s ago my oldest daughter Ashley, who was 34 came home for a visit. Her visit was supposed to be for a couple of weeks to celebrate the holidays. She ended up staying much longer because she couldn’t pass a Covid-19 test. No matter how hard she studied she just couldn’t pass….
Dad’s Career or A Look Back Part IX

Being a dad…raising children…was and continues to be a remarkably ugly business with precious few bright spots. I say that because the question I’m supposed to be answering asked me what I found most fulfilling about raising children. The process and the current results have not lived up to my expectations. One…some…or maybe all of…
Before There Were Children or A Look Back Part VIII

In our early days my 22 year old and 5 months pregnant wife needed a full time job. At the time she was working part-time. Which in hindsight seems appropriate. Nevertheless, she approached her employer and asked him if he would consider changing her status to full-time. He had one question. “When can you start?”…
A Look Back VII

Continuing from A Look Back – Part VI Catch up on the full series – A Look Back On my mother’s side I have no aunts or uncles. My mom had a brother who died at a young age of leukemia. My father had an older brother and four sisters. His brother died some years…
Looking Back VI

Continuing from A Look Back – Part V My father died suddenly and tragically when I was around 5 years old. I have very little recollection of him. My mother remarried a year or two later. It was my stepfather and mother who raised me and my other siblings. As children we called our stepfather…
A Look Back Part V

Continuing from A Look Back – Part IV I was reminded the other day to remember what my current assignment is. My main purpose at this time is to relate my history. To this point I have avoided speaking of what is past as it concerns my mom. I have been asked questions pertaining to…
A Look Back Part IV

Continuing from A Look Back – Part III From birthday to birthday my life has been an ongoing conversation with God…or so it seems to me. The God I know is not the one I was taught of at university. The God I have heard of in church has been described as a vindictively cruel…
A Look Back Part III

Continuing from A Look Back – Part II There is nothing very special to speak of as it concerns my birth. I am the first born child of my mother. I think I was born some weeks short of the norm of 42 weeks. But I weighed about 10 pounds at birth so I don’t…
A Look Back Part II

Continuing from A Look Back – Part I I awoke from a dream last night. This idea my wife gave me refused to be stored away in the closet of useless and forgotten suggestions. In the morning while my wife was pouring her coffee I said exactly this, “The spirit of God spoke to my…
A Look Back Part I

Some time ago my wife recommended that I change what I write about. She suggested that instead of writing about what I believe, write about…give background to….why I believe as I do. I tried to make the point that the “why” should be evident as I explain the “what.” She then made the valid point…