Category Archives: Caleb

Say the Name

I sat with a friend for a few minutes today who is a self-described “news junkie.” We talked briefly about the current state of affairs in North America. I think it’s fair to say that we are both amazed/discouraged by what people will do to satisfy whatever it is within them that is forever hungry,…

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Don’t Overthink It

I’m supposed to be working on a different project right now, but my heart is somewhere else. This is what I’m learning. I have been directed to not judge anyone….ever. Passing judgement is not my role….my job….my mission….my burden. That’s not to say that I haven’t pointed a finger of condemnation or used what God…

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There are No Ordinary Lives

When I was a younger man I had achieved the things that I had set out to do. I was a degreed college graduate. I was married to a wonderful woman. We had two beautiful children, a girl then a boy. Together my wife and I earned enough money to buy a new home and…

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Not My Job

I have children who I once thought had their own relationship with God. Long before I sat down to write this I understood that wasn’t true. My aunt once said that as a young person she had a drug problem. Apparently her parents, my grandparents “drug” her to church…every time the doors were open. My…

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Eyes Squeezed Shut

I believe the goal, the final result of all this living is to become like Christ. As a much younger man I prayed and asked God to help me become a man like Jesus. I’m sure at the time I wasn’t focused on what the process would look like…..or feel like. My attention was directed…

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That Awkward Feeling When…

Feeling awkward is something I rarely experience. I understand that sometimes in social situations there is an unspoken tension that exists that people are unwilling to discuss. Everyone knows it’s there but nobody wants to talk about it. It’s a circumstance that reminds me of the elephant in the room scenario. It may be that…

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I Can’t Live Like This for Long

There are some difficulties of living that although hard just become a part of what’s normal. For instance, I anticipate and expect the news of the next bad choice by any one of my kids. I’m used to that. I’ve developed a tolerance for it. There was a time when I carried the weight of…

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Three Words

As I have gotten older I have found that my memory is not what it once was. Over the past few years I have begun to forget little things like where I left my keys or wallet or where I parked my car. It has been particularly irritating to my children. I haven’t forgotten any…

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