Category Archives: Caleb

Looking Back VI

Continuing from A Look Back – Part V My father died suddenly and tragically when I was around 5 years old. I have very little recollection of him. My mother remarried a year or two later. It was my stepfather and mother who raised me and my other siblings. As children we called our stepfather…

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A Look Back Part IV

Continuing from A Look Back – Part III From birthday to birthday my life has been an ongoing conversation with God…or so it seems to me. The God I know is not the one I was taught of at university. The God I have heard of in church has been described as a vindictively cruel…

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A Look Back Part I

Some time ago my wife recommended that I change what I write about. She suggested that instead of writing about what I believe, write about…give background to….why I believe as I do. I tried to make the point that the “why” should be evident as I explain the “what.” She then made the valid point…

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Just Another Day

One of the benefits of living in time is that tomorrow I can try again. Some things I have learned: Only God is wise. Sometimes people will communicate to me that something I have written was so true….so insightful… wise. On the other hand others have indicated with varying degrees of tact that perhaps I…

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The Inner Life

I had a thought today that unnerved me. I took the thought and put it in a box with a promise to myself that I would think about it later. At the time of the thought I was busy thinking about something else. The preacher was preaching and it is my normal practice to pay…

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‘Til We’re All God’s Children

To my favorite people: The crazy gringa, Uncle Silly and his bride, the two exotic princesses from opposite ends of the world, the old man, Uncle Pepe, and most importantly, my Farkel queen. It has always been my confident expectation that God exists. Much of my life has been in the metaphoric desert searching for…

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