Category Archives: Blog

What’s a Blessing?

Blessings are the stuff God gives you. Because of Hebrews 11:6 I’ve heard them described as God’s rewards. What is a blessing to you and why are they important? I think some feel that a “blessed” life is somehow God’s stamp of approval on them. In other words, if your life is in the toilet…

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Suitcases in the Attic

I’m getting ready to go to Guatemala next Sunday. I have some short people to meet. Keri asked me to go up into the attic to get some suitcases. Along with our clothes for the trip, we are taking stuff for the orphans and Ashley. It looks likes the three of us will each have…

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Recently someone said that they were having a hard time making a decision. They said that they didn’t have “peace” about the direction they ought to go. As I looked at the options, I wasn’t sure that either choice was wrong. In other words it wasn’t a moral issue. What is this peace thing that…

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Is Sanity Overrated?

Ana I got a call today from your mom. She spoke to me of Ana. Heather talked to your mom about some of her background. I’m so glad she has been living with Heather. Your mom told me that Heather has decided not to adopt Anna because she recognizes that Anna needs something else. She…

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Miguel’s Sister

Hey You, Do you know how much a broken dryer cramps my style? I had to take Satan’s house cat (Sal) to the vet. I had to remove the carcass of the neighbor’s cat from our backyard. I wonder if they noticed her absence yet? Our dogs are killers. Nick wouldn’t help me, but he…

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Conversations in the Car

Hey You, Last Friday night mom took your sister to the football game at the high school. At some point during the game mom decided that she would check on Nicoleta. She found her by the concession stand with a boy named Zack. He was facing her with his arms draped around her waist. After…

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