Category Archives: Blog

Maybe I’m Okay Afterall

“The bit of light that has kept me from walking away from this entire series of unpleasant events was the hope that maybe it was about more than just what I had to learn.” KMW The original 12 lived with Jesus on intimate terms for his entire ministry. Why did Jesus not try to correct…

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Then I Woke Up

I went to sleep one night around the end of November and dreamed many dreams. Some of them were good but some were bad. Now I have awaken from my slumbering and have found my way again to this place. It’s time to remember. It’s time to download. It began with the new floors in…

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Same Song Different Verse

My thoughts are never far from you. Lately I’ve been thinking about the part of your journey that I’ve been able to observe. With a few variations your brother is in the same place you were in when you were fifteen. It seems that your brother is being more difficult to deal with. That may…

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Pain Free Living

On this man’s quest for an elusive God I’m learning some things. Many times relationships degenerate into messes. The circumstances of living in this temporal place and culture never really improve do they? As I get older I understand that the pain and suffering of being human is not something that can be avoided. Nevertheless…

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Processing and Downloading

Hey you, I had an awesome time with you in your world. I haven’t written to you about it because I’m still processing the stuff that happened. Ashley, the things I saw there and the stuff I did changed me in some fundamental way. I’m still trying to figure out how to articulate it. I…

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Life in the Looney Bin

Ashley in Her Element Your mom received this picture from a family who recently returned from Guatemala. We agree that this picture captures much of who you are. I’m so proud of you. But I don’t know, that’s just me talkin’.