Category Archives: Blog

The Next Day

Carry over from: Wet Roads After returning home I went back to bed. I’m amazed now that I was able to go back to sleep. I had a huge mess to clean up in the morning. The following morning Nick and I went to the service station in the heart of downtown Ooltewah. After explaining…

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Are the words “grateful child” really just an oxymoron, much like “personal responsibility?”  Are some children just naturally grateful?  I’m not saying that it isn’t possible, I’m just saying I’ve never known any who were.  I think I accidentally raised a bunch of kids to be ungrateful.  When they were babies my wife and I…

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Through a series of difficult circumstances involving courtrooms, policemen, and social workers,  my wife and I have custody of our four year old granddaughter, Bella.  She has been with us full time for most of her life.  It’s only been in the past several months that we received full custody of her.  The particulars of…

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THE COVID WARS It’s about a week before Christmas and I have not written anything since around mid-summer.  On a personal level that was not a happy time.  I’ve been thinking and observing.  I’ve been thinking about what’s important…at least to me.  From a safe distance I’ve been observing the questionable choices of people that…

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The most frequent question I ask myself is why I do the things I do.  What truly motivates me to act….or to act out?  Over years of time I have settled for a variety of answers.  Wise people have given me valuable insight as to the things that motivate people to action.  I’ve never really…

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Practical Christianity (a do over)

My Friends, I’ve expanded my circle of contacts somewhat. In some ways I regret the way I left my previous message regarding Practical Christianity. If you are reading this note and have no idea what I am talking about then that is because you didn’t receive or read my first message. I have posted the…

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