Category Archives: A Look Back

Looking Back VI

Continuing from A Look Back – Part V My father died suddenly and tragically when I was around 5 years old. I have very little recollection of him. My mother remarried a year or two later. It was my stepfather and mother who raised me and my other siblings. As children we called our stepfather…

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A Look Back Part IV

Continuing from A Look Back – Part III From birthday to birthday my life has been an ongoing conversation with God…or so it seems to me. The God I know is not the one I was taught of at university. The God I have heard of in church has been described as a vindictively cruel…

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A Look Back Part I

Some time ago my wife recommended that I change what I write about. She suggested that instead of writing about what I believe, write about…give background to….why I believe as I do. I tried to make the point that the “why” should be evident as I explain the “what.” She then made the valid point…

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