All posts by Thom
Beyond the Tree Line

As I walk this hostile way, I keep thinking to myself that if I can hold out a bit longer….don’t quit…keep moving…then the terrain will level out…the weather will get drier and warmer. How is it that I always seem to be walking uphill against the bitter wind? Why is there not a clearly defined…
My Sin, My Struggle, and the Speaking God

In conversation I have never been a very effective communicator. It seems that in the moment I can’t find the words that adequately express what I am trying to say. Often times after I have talked to someone what I should have said or what I truly meant to say could have been said differently…..or…
Over the Counter Wellness

I can choose to feel better right now or I can choose to be well. Feeling better right now is easy and within my reach. Feeling better is a mouse click away, a 12 oz. can of malty refreshment, a mindless Netflix offering, the respite of a nap…the options are endless but temporary. Wellness takes…
The Hitchhiker Takes the Wheel

It was midnight dark outside as I traveled along the road. I had lost my way. As I rounded a curve in the road, looking for something familiar, some hope, my headlights caught the figure of a man. He turned at my approach and lifted his hand. Was he asking me to stop or was…
A Day in the Life

My middle son Luc called me today while I was washing my car….with Bella “helping me.” How dirty does a car have to be in the winter time with a four year old princess attached to my leg before one decides it has to be done? Before going out to the driveway I consulted Alexa…
The Brink of Hopelessness

I sat down with a man, my friend and released a long breath of frustration. I told him my sad story. I spoke of my anger, my bitterness, and my heart breaking disappointment. Mine was supposed to be a story of adventure, heroes, and rescue. As the final chapters are revealed it is becoming increasingly…
Letters to My Children

My son called me the other day. He is the one who is the architect of what is seen here. For my birthday he gave me the link that brings people here. I admit that at first I didn’t realize what I was receiving from him. As he worked, reworked and developed the visuals it…
No Trespassing

There some people in my life who have established a no fly zone…a no loitering sign….a no trespassing warning around the topic of their heart….their inner life…their life before God. I do my best to respect the boundaries that others have established especially as it pertains to their personal or private stuff. However, I do…
Yellow Dog

As we were riding in the car today, my wife told me about some difficult circumstances a friend of mine is living through….the worst kind. I already knew that something was off the rails with this person but I had no idea that it was as bad as she described…a train wreck. I sat in…

I have a friend who recently shared a quote from A. W. Tozer. Here it is again: “The man who dies out of Christ is said to be lost, and hardly a word in the English tongue expresses his condition with greater accuracy. He has squandered a rare fortune and at the last he stands…