All posts by Thom
Free Yourself!

Just a few words of advice, if you don’t mind. Do not always view difficult circumstances as signs from God that you ought to change your direction. Most often God uses difficulties to teach us a lesson. I don’t think it’s within God’s character to push or manipulate us in a particular direction by placing…
There is a Cross that is Mine

Jesus said, “If you want to be my disciple then turn from your selfish ways, take up your cross, and follow me.” The Bible says “your cross,” not “the cross” or “a cross.” What is “your cross?” Or maybe better put, what is my cross? At the time Jesus spoke these words the cross was…
Is Anything Really Saved?

Years ago I was sitting in the living room looking out the window thinking. Miguel enters the room and informs me that he is going to turn the TV on. I asked him not to because “I’m thinking.” He asked me what I was thinking about. So I told him I was just thinking about…
Get Lucky

People are responsible for their own luck, good or bad…….because they made it themselves. “Bad Luck” was invented by malcontents and malingerers so that there was a place to lay blame for their bad choices. “Good Luck” was invented by the same people to remove credit from the people who achieved it. “Good Luck” is…
The Headache of Self-Identity

As society and culture move further and further away from the true north of my values, I can’t help but shake my head. There is noise in the culture that seems to say that people have the inherent right to self-identify. What?! Really?! I’m not referencing religious affiliation…political views…SEC football team preference…or other such positions…
The Open Door

Sometimes I just sit here watching the cursor blink. My heart is here but my words come slowly and painfully. Recently I was writing something and Bella asked me what I was writing and I told her I was writing a story. She then asked if she could hear the story when it was done….
Old People Behaving Badly

I was challenged in my thinking the other day. It seems like the older I get that happens less and less frequently. My opinion is that most people my age have their minds made up about stuff…we are difficult to change…we already know…or don’t care. The older I get I’m tempted to abandon the search…
We Will All Answer

My body passed from life into death…….but I was still conscious. I opened my eyes after my spirit quit the confinement of flesh and I stood before the King as the heavenly host bore witness. I was to be examined. I was to be tested. The King asked me, “What happened to the dead body…
The Sanctity of the Privy

I’ve kept a casual eye on the national news lately. I’m having a difficult time understanding the “restroom” debate. Maybe I understand it perfectly and I just don’t realize it. I’ve heard that a southern state recently passed legislation that stipulates who can use a men’s room and who can use a ladies room in…
Deliver Us From Evil

I am certainly a believer in divine deliverance from evil. For the most part, however, the evil that confronts me has much to do with my own bad choices. When the light of my heart is brightened* I realize that deliverance requires some effort on my part. I can turn from it. I can flee…