I Don’t Know How

The word of God is alive…eternal…forever relevant. I sometimes get to speak to people who explain away the words of Jesus…the apostles…the patriarchs and prophets of the Old Testament as irrelevant to them. The mindset is something like this: “The words of the Bible may have carried weight in the time when they were penned but over time with the evolution of men and culture the authority of scripture has faded.” My opinion is that the authority and relevance of the holy scriptures is as pertinent now as it was the moment that the breath of God inspired men to write it. I think it’s a bit too convenient an excuse for some to avoid submission…surrender…obedience. “What has God said lately?” The word of God is the eternal echo of his voice. His word is always timely and IT IS ALWAYS TRUE. The progress of time does not change the truth into a lie.

Jesus said, “Come to me if you’re tired…come to me if the load you carry is heavy. Come to me…I will give you rest.” My thinking is that if Jesus says “Come,” then it is safe to assume that I am not there…where he is.

For me there is a bit of a disconnect because of what Jesus says next. He says, “Take my yoke…take my burden…for they are easy and light.”

Jesus says “Come,” so I do. At his feet I am tired. My burden has broken my heart. I crave rest and relief when it occurs to me that I…don’t…know…how…to make the exchange that is offered. I think there is a possibility that what I seek is not rest and relief but revival of energy to carry on. “Give me strength Lord so that I don’t have to surrender.” Of course I realize that such a course is unsustainable. Does Jesus lift the burden of my heart from my shoulders or do I unpack…unstrap…and drop it at his feet myself? I don’t know. But I don’t really carry “things.” I carry people. How do I exchange people for something light and easy? It feels like defeat…..it feels like failure. I avoid defeat and failure by refusing to surrender…..by continuing to struggle.

Jesus says, “Come.” What will I do when I get there and how will I do it?

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