The Hitchhiker Takes the Wheel

It was midnight dark outside as I traveled along the road. I had lost my way. As I rounded a curve in the road, looking for something familiar, some hope, my headlights caught the figure of a man. He turned at my approach and lifted his hand. Was he asking me to stop or was he just waving to be friendly? As I drew nearer and as it turned out I already knew him. That was reassuring since stopping for strangers is a bad practice, especially at night. I put the passenger side window down and we had this conversation.

“Do you need a ride somewhere?” I asked.
“No, I don’t need a ride.” He said.
“Well, what are you doing out here?”
“I knew you would be passing by here so I was waiting for you.” he said.
“At this hour way out here you’re waiting for me!?”
“That’s right. I came to find you where I knew you would be.”
“Why is that?”
“I have somewhere I want to take you.”
“Okay then, get in and I’ll drive us there.”
“You don’t understand, I want to take you. That means I do the driving.”
“I’m not sure about that. When someone is in my car I always do the driving.”
“You know me. I’ve driven many times for others and they all arrived safely.”
“But where do you want to take me?”
“The destination is not as important as you seem to think.”
“Not important! Then what is the point of going anywhere!?”
“The importance lies in the journey.”
“What are you are talking about, an important journey with an irrelevant destination?”
“I didn’t say the destination was irrelevant, I said the importance lies in the journey.”
“Listen, I have other plans. What you are asking doesn’t make sense to me.”
“Don’t misunderstand. I am asking you to trust me. You know me, I am trustworthy.”
“I really don’t think this ‘journey’ you keep going on about will fit into my plans.”
“You’re right. You’ll have to give up your plans and trust my plans.”
“To be honest my plans are rather fluid right now. My prior plans haven’t turned out well.”
“So, will you move over to the passenger side and let me drive?”
“I do know you and I know others who know you. Everyone says you are trustworthy.”
“Will you let me drive?”
“Yes, I really wish you would. I’ve gotten lost and I’m so tired.”

This brief conversation between friends during the dead of night on the side of a lonely highway has taken a few moments to read. But this same conversation has taken me a lifetime to live through.

As my friend positioned himself behind the wheel our conversation continued.

“So, are you a good driver?” I asked.
“Yes, I am. Are you having second thoughts?” He asked.
“No, I’m not having second thoughts. I was just wondering if I’m safe.”
“You may wish to fasten your seat belt.”

So our conversation continues….



  1. I had overwhelming relief when I realized there was a better qualified driver for my Short Bus. There are no seatbelts on my bus.

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