Gender Convergence

I think sometimes I walk on the edge in the dark, metaphorically speaking that is. Has this ever happened to you? The other day I was about my normal routine of working, parenting, and housekeeping. Yes, I confess, housekeeping. I am a victim of the recently named phenomenon called “gender convergence.” Have you heard of that? Traditionally (back in the day) in family situations there were certain roles that men and women played. Normally the woman cooked, cleaned house, went to PTA, took the kids to the doctor… get the picture. The man on the other hand worked outside of the home and provided the income for the family. At the end of the work day he would come home exhausted, strip down to his boxers, throw back the lever of his Lazy Boy, crack open a cold one, and watch the evening news. Uh, your experience of normal and traditional may vary but I think you get the point that the roles of men and women were fairly well-defined.

As society evolved the roles of men and women began to merge. It began as more and more women entered the work force. To keep the wheels of family life turning men began to assume some of the duties traditionally described as “women’s work.” Of course the roles of men and women have not completely intermingled. My wife has yet to come home from work, drop her laundry at the front door, throw back the lever of the Lazy Boy, and crack open a cold one. One can only wish, besides we don’t even own a Lazy Boy.


What was I talking about? Oh yeah, I was about my normal routine (described above) when a thought entered my brain. It was just like this, take note of the pronouns. “What are you going to do when you close your eyes in death and then open them in what comes next only to discover that you were deceived? What will you say when your Jesus is not there to meet you? Or even better, what if your eyes close in death and all thought and consciousness are lost forever?”

When thoughts go through my mind I usually think in terms of me, my, mine, and I. Do you know what I mean? For instance, when planning my next move I think “What will I do next?” not “What will you do next?” Has anyone had such a thought? It was as though someone (or something) tossed a grenade over the hedge into my yard (mind). I suppose I could have ignored the “thought,” but I didn’t. I analyzed it. I walked around it, inspecting it, thinking about it. It seemed like such a fair question. I decided on my answer and rehearsed it to myself.

If there is a “what comes next,” and Jesus isn’t there I suppose I would forever lament that what should have been true wasn’t. On the other hand it’s a moot point. Moot? Yep, because for me I know that my redeemer lives, and at last he will stand upon the earth: and after my skin even this body is destroyed, then without my flesh shall I see God; whom I, even I, shall see on my side, and my eyes shall behold, and not as a stranger (thanks Job). There’s nothing like a small tactical nuke to brighten the day of another.

I wonder what I should make for dinner? I’m not sure I like “gender convergence” but I will not play the victim. I will find value in the prospect that one day I may be able to get that Lazy Boy for my wife.


PS Has anyone seen MK?

But I don’t know, that’s just me talkin’.


  1. Caleb,
    I haven’t fallen off the face of the earth – quite yet. I’ll post an update on my side a little later tonight.
    As for the gender convergence – wooohooo. I am definitely the woman who comes home, strips (and immediately puts on pjs, sorry to disappoint), and flops into…yes, our Lazee Boy recliner sofa. Ok, I’ll also cook and clean, but so does Hubby. Which is exactly the way I want it to be. I’m no one’s maid. Hubby once thought I was feminazi enough to keep my own last name in marriage…not so. I changed my name, but marriage is an equal opportunity & responsibility partnership to me. Kudos to you for embracing your gender convergence.

    As for the grenade thrown in your backyard – I get it. I have these same sorts of thoughts every so often. And I agree, it completely feels placed in my head. That said, mine goes a little different than yours…what with the differences in dogma. Like you, I’ve decided I’ve picked my path and I am a pretty good soul. Whoever or whatever is out there should be pleased enough.

  2. MK,

    Do me a favor if you see the opportunity, okay? You made a reference to our differences in “dogma.” If I ever voice my beliefs as dogmatic to you specifically, please tell me so. To do so is not my wish. That’s not to say that I don’t believe what’s so visible in my blog. I do. To me, to be dogmatic is to arrogantly present my views as infallible. Dogma comes from God (was I just dogmatic?). My perception of what comes from God is just….my perception. I believe God is able to reveal himself to anyone. I’ve found that dogmatically asserting my beliefs only alienates people from me.

    You said “whoever or whatever is out there.” I think it’s a “whoever.” When you say “out there,” does that mean that the “whoever or whatever” is remote or irrelevant? Is it possible that the “who or what” is closer than you think?

    One other thing. I believe that the “who or what” is extremely pleased with you(and me). I think it’s the stuff that we do that is sometimes disappointing. (A) I love my kids (B) They always please me (C) Sometimes they misbehave. Because what my kids do is not always pleasing doesn’t make (A) & (B) less true. I want my kids to believe (dogmatically) that my love and acceptance of them is not based on their performance. I hope you have better success with that than I have had. Professional religious people have always made me feel that I had to measure up for God to be pleased with me. I don’t believe that is true. Without the dogma let me add that I’m betting my eternal destiny on it.

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