The Good Man

I’m the man who cannot watch just one TV station for more than a minute or two. I am compelled to keep changing the channels. My wife said once it’s a “man thing.” Since our TV remote is usually MIA, I don’t watch very much TV. I’m just not willing to stand in front of the TV to surf the channels. Come to think of it, I’m not sure if I can change the channels without a remote.

When driving my car I rarely listen to the radio. I guess I have too much on my mind that needs thinking about. I get my best thinking done while driving my car or when cutting my grass. Since my grass isn’t growing I am behind on my thinking. Don’t worry I’ll be okay. I know some people who turn the music up just so that they don’t have to think. It must be tough running from yourself.

Today on my way home from work I turned the radio on. I pressed the button that says “scan.” Do you know what that button does? It goes from one station to the next automatically every 10 seconds or so. It’s just like a TV remote that never gets lost! How awesome is that!? As the radio scanned stations my mind started to wander. Instead of finding something pleasing to hear, the radio was becoming noise so I reached for the button that would turn it off. At that moment I heard a voice that snagged my attention so I listened. It’s was a man’s voice, a preachers voice. His message was about marriages that last and he made 4 points.

  1. The man and the woman must both be in submission to divine authority.
  2. The man and the woman must both be in submission to each other.
  3. It is the woman’s role to support the man.
  4. The man must be selfless.

As I pulled into my driveway the message from the voice on the radio reminded me what a perfect woman Keri is for me. She is my heart’s great love. I must be one of God’s favorites. There is just no other explanation. On the other hand point number 4 has given me something to think about. I wish it was summer time and my grass was growing.