Say the Name

I sat with a friend for a few minutes today who is a self-described “news junkie.” We talked briefly about the current state of affairs in North America. I think it’s fair to say that we are both amazed/discouraged by what people will do to satisfy whatever it is within them that is forever hungry, forever hurting, forever unsatisfied. My friend said that there is only one answer. It doesn’t matter if one is a bomb toting terrorist in the Middle East or a sexually confused/altered person in America who is hellbent that their new anatomical make up be recognized as legitimate by the rest of us. There is only one who can satisfy and his name is Jesus. Until such time that our neighbors and fellow North Americans are willing to explore the possibility of Jesus, my friend and I are perfectly content to be the seditious old dudes on the lunatic fringe. What is it that makes us culturally subversive? What is it that makes us crazy? It is not a “what” but a “who.” His name is Jesus.

Can I get an amen from the back pews?

There are people that hate Americans so much that they are willing to kill themselves as they carry out their holy war. There are others so desperate for acceptance they will surgically remove/alter their body parts to achieve it. There are people who risk or take their own lives by ingesting harmful chemicals into their bodies for a few brief moments of euphoria. In today’s social climate my friend and I are the crazy people….go figure.

There is a group of us who are called to be “salt” and “light.” This same group of people are called to love each other so that as we are observed by the culture at large, we are recognized as belonging to Jesus. Let me describe my experience as “salt and light.” As salt I don’t add a pleasing flavor to the lives of those around me. What really happens is that I give people hyper-tension. Naming Jesus is an irritant…a corrosive. Salt in a wound brings more pain. Salt enhances and creates thirst. As light I don’t illuminate the way for people in the dark. What I really am is a blinding glare on the windshield of life for people around me. As a result of “salt and light” I do a better job of alienating people than I do winning them. There is a social gospel that says if I am salt and light people will flock to the foot of the cross. Not true.

I don’t belong here.

I told my friend and he concurred that what we need is a good old fashioned movement of the Holy Spirit….REVIVAL! Maybe being “salt and light” will have better results if it is carried out as the Holy Spirit draws and convicts.

In the morning before the noise gets loud, look at the person in the mirror and say the name. Name him. My mind says that it’s just a name. It’s not even the real name but the English version of the name. It’s just a word spoken to nobody but myself. But my heart says there is power in the name….a deep and ancient magic at the mention of the name. The day is coming when everyone will kneel before Jesus. Every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is LORD. Say the name….or at the very least whisper the name of Jesus. But what do I know? I’m not really from around here.

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