Three Words

As I have gotten older I have found that my memory is not what it once was. Over the past few years I have begun to forget little things like where I left my keys or wallet or where I parked my car. It has been particularly irritating to my children. I haven’t forgotten any of their names yet but sometimes in conversation I may call one of my sons by his brother’s name. I may call one my daughters by her sister’s name. Right now it’s comical. Perhaps in years to come it won’t be.

There are events from the past that are burned into my memory. There are things that I cannot forget. Memories can be scars or they can be blessings. I have some of both. Sometimes I can’t remember events as they truly happened. As years pass and life experience is gained, when the emotions have settled or when the pain has eased I can look back and perhaps make a more accurate assessment of what really happened.

I remember that I was at the end of my rope. I was broken and lifted from the bottom of a pit. I was rescued. I was then invited to sign the paper so I took up the pen and did so. I didn’t sit on a chair or at a table to sign. I was on my knees before the Throne and I used the floor as a table. The document was simple. It had just three words before my signature….. I surrender all.

Having signed the armistice the King rose from His throne and descended the dais. Because of my shame I kept my eyes lowered to the floor. With eyes cast down I saw only His feet when He approached. They were scarred with wounds that should have been mine. With gentle authority the King spoke to me and he said “Rise.” Humbly obedient I came to my feet but I dared not look at Him. He extended His hand with a document of his own for me. I took the offered paper from a hand that was punctured through and through. I unfolded the paper and saw that it was entitled “Adoption Decree.” It too had just three words……You are Mine.

I was confused and I chanced a glimpse to His face….His countenance….His eyes. Without a spoken word I realized that I was never His enemy to be defeated and subjugated. I was just lost and He found me. On His face I saw that I was forgiven and that there was now peace between us. With the document He gave me I realized something else……I was home.

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