The Ocean is Real

I have had the misfortune of observing and participating in the difficult circumstances of some very important people to me. Their stories remind me of another story I heard or read a long time ago.

A little boy was happily playing in a mud puddle as little boys do. It happened that as the boy was splashing and playing his dad told him that he would have to stop because it was time to leave for their family vacation. The little boy was disappointed to leave the puddle. He asked his dad where they were going. His dad explained that they were going to the beach. The dad tried to explain to his son the vastness and wonder of the seashore. Since the little guy had never in his life been to the beach, he had difficulty believing that what his father told him was true. The little boy concluded that he would much rather have his muddy little puddle of water here…right now. He didn’t want to journey and wait for the ocean. In fact he really didn’t believe there was a place of such magnificence. In the end the father insisted that his son get up and join the rest of the family in the car for the long drive to the ocean. Needless to say the young boy was very angry with his dad for robbing him of his happy circumstances of playing in the puddle. The drive to the ocean seemed longer than it really was because of the little boy’s complaints and laments of his lost puddle. From the front seat the father was lovingly patient with his son. He wondered how his son would respond when he stood on the edge of the land and saw…….

The little boy was faithless. In his heart he was not willing to submit to his dad. If the truth were spoken out loud the boy would say that his dad simply didn’t want him to get dirty playing in the mud. Dad doesn’t want to be embarrassed by a dirty son. The ocean was a lie the boy’s dad made up to rob him of his good time. The dad knew that cleaning up dirty little boys was part of his job. Little boys (and little girls) need a bath every day. The good father will happily make sure his children are bathed every day. The good father does not allow his children to remain dirty.

To my daughters: There IS someone better. You deserve someone better. Leave the muddy puddle. Travel light and alone if necessary because you are fearless and strong. Journey to the sea. Trust me, the ocean is real.

To my sons: There is something better. You deserve the best. You will find that possessing money, houses, and cars are just a puddle of water compared to the ocean that waits for you. The sea is calling. The ache in your heart is its voice.

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