Through a series of difficult circumstances involving courtrooms, policemen, and social workers,  my wife and I have custody of our four year old granddaughter, Bella.  She has been with us full time for most of her life.  It’s only been in the past several months that we received full custody of her.  The particulars of the circumstances leading up to the judges decision aren’t important for my purposes here.  Just know that there is no blame or animosity concerning her mom, my daughter.  There is hope…always hope that the good shepherd will find her, bring her home and heal her wounded heart and mind…soothe the grieving hearts of her mom and dad.  We’ve had to make the hardest decisions of our lives.  Enough about that.

Bella follows me everywhere.  She wants to “help” me with everything.  I was working in the yard (my thinking time) with Bella next to me….on my heels…under my feet…her voice in my ears.  I thought to myself that the neighbors probably feel sorry for the poor sap across the street for having to raise his child’s daughter.
“Are there tigers in those woods, Boss?”
“Can I have a turn driving the lawnmower, Boss?”
“I haven’t seen a unicorn all day.”
“You should share your lawnmower, Boss.”
“Will you take me on a lovely walk, Boss?”
“Pepe says there’s monsters under our house, Boss.”
“Will you sing me a song, Boss?  Don’t do it weird…sing it like Gigi.”
“Will you get a sucker out of my ear Boss?”
“I’m going to live here FOREVER!”
“Boss if I be very quiet, can I sit on your lap while you play on your tablet?”
“I love you with all my heart Boss….you keep me safe.”
“Boss, I miss my mom.”
So do I sweetie.
I guess I should explain that Bella calls me Boss, as everyone should.  Pepe is her uncle, my youngest son whose real name is Miguel.  Gigi is her grandmother.
I have another granddaughter in Florida who I see as often as I can but not nearly enough.  Since I have a granddaughter underfoot and another in another state, it occurs to me that my neighbors probably don’t feel sorry for me at all.  I bet they wish they were me.
But I don’t know, that’s just me talkin’.

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