Practical Christianity is a Lie

I’ve been thinking lately about something called “practical Christianity” or “practical Christian living.” In your opinion what does that mean? I always assumed that this concept was instruction on how to apply Biblical principles to life’s circumstances so that I can honor God. What I am finding is that many people who apply Biblical principles to their lives do so not so much to honor God but to make their lives here work better. I often hear people say that they like this or that Christian speaker because what they say is “so practical,” “so useful,” or “so relevant” to their Christian walk. I often wonder what that really means to them. Many times I come away from such encounters believing that what people are looking for is some spiritual authority to show them how they can make their Christianity work for them. I’m also reminded of the thing I’ve heard of called the “gospel of tips and techniques.” Apply these simple pointers to your life and watch God work (for you). Such application of Biblical instruction I believe is very dangerous on so many levels. Are we obedient to God’s word for obedience’s’ sake alone or are we obedient for what we believe we can get out of it? Here’s some questions to meditate on: What good thing has God withheld from us? Do we love our triune God for what he has done or is our love based on what we expect him to do for us while we occupy this vessel of flesh and bone? Do I obey him regarding tithes and offerings because I want the blessing of more money? If that is so then I love money, God is just my tool to acquire it. Do I “do kindly unto others” so that they will treat me in the same manner? If that is so then I really don’t love them. My goal is really to use and manipulate them into performing in ways that please me.

When we observe the man Jesus in the four gospels, how practical were his teachings? Do his teachings show me how to get by in a world gone crazy? Does his famous Sermon on the Mount show me how to survive in a culture that has forgotten God? In my opinion there is nothing practical about following the ways of Jesus. His teachings are not handy pointers on how to survive here. On the contrary, they cause me added difficulty. I have found that following his ways are not supportive to my sojourn here. I have found them to be completely subversive to comfort and pain-free living. The application of his words to my life don’t make my life easier or more endurable. His teachings put me at odds with everything (even myself). I want what he says to make sense but it doesn’t. Does he ever explain why something is true and right? If he were to do so would my mind be able to contain it?

Based on what my view of what Christian living is why would anyone in a culture of self-sufficiency want to follow Jesus? The answer to that question lies in the hearts of those he has changed and is changing. Can anyone explain the burning flame in my heart? I think I may have just reached the edge of what I can explain…………….


But I don’t know, that’s just me talkin’.

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