Loose Strings and Frayed Knots

I can’t think of anything in my life that affected me more profoundly than when my heart got the news that I am unconditionally loved and accepted by God. It seems like such a simple thing doesn’t it; God’s love and acceptance of us? The hard part was accepting it for myself. The implications/consequences for choosing to believe what God says is true changed everything. The days of trying to measure up were over. What a relief to my soul when I realized there is no poor choice I can make that will diminish his love for me. There is no righteous act that I can perform that can enhance it. I can’t get the arms of my mind around such a love as God’s love.

I read Mike’s proposition. I agree that God is not in the “happiness now” business. For followers of Christ he is, among other things, in the “preparation for later” business. For so long I believed that difficult circumstances were God’s way of holding out on me until I got it right. What a disappointment I imagined I was to him. I understand now that life’s pain, difficulty, and tough circumstances are not God’s way of frowning on me or holding out on me. These are the tools God uses to change me. He’s changing me into someone who looks like the man who sits on his right.

I can’t honestly say that I enjoy adversity and difficulty. Who does? However, understanding God’s purpose for trials helps me to choose a healthier attitude about my circumstances. I sometimes ask God to improve my difficulties. I think sometimes he does and other times he doesn’t. I believe however, that through it all he is improving me.

I’ve often heard that God’s eternal agenda is like an intricate tapestry that he is crafting. The front is full of colorful texture and beauty. The back, however, has a jumble of frayed threads and knots. From the back it appears haphazard, a confusing mess of tangled and intersecting pieces of thread. I think the back of the tapestry is where I live now. I know God is doing something grand but I can’t see it yet. I hope for the day when I see the other side.

One other thing, then I’m done. Mike wrote about the “grand adventure” to come. It’s said that what’s to come is too big for us to imagine. I admit that I don’t often think about it. The “grand adventure” that’s coming is not what closed the deal for my heart. It was his love. His love is enough for me. Maybe the wonder and glory of what comes next serves to further demonstrate the extravagance of his love for us. But I don’t know, that’s me just thinking out loud.


But I don’t know, that’s just me talkin’.

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