What’s a Blessing?

Blessings are the stuff God gives you. Because of Hebrews 11:6 I’ve heard them described as God’s rewards. What is a blessing to you and why are they important? I think some feel that a “blessed” life is somehow God’s stamp of approval on them. In other words, if your life is in the toilet then God must be disappointed with you. Somewhere on the road you screwed up and God is angry with you. What goes around comes around, right?

Have you thought of any blessings? How about financial security? What about good health? What about a successful ministry or career? What about meaningful and intimate relationships with others, such as your spouse, kids, or friends? Here’s the blessing formula. You may want to write this down. Decide which “blessing” you want. Then search the scriptures for how to achieve that “blessing.” Now that you understand the requirements, perform them to God’s satisfaction, and He obligates Himself to grant them. Is God satisfied with my best or does He require perfection? He knows my frame, that I am dust so I guess my best is good enough. If you think you nailed it and God doesn’t come through then somewhere along the way you must have blown it. In that case you have to repeat the formula. Is this the “light and easy” yoke that Jesus spoke of?

What a sham! There’s a lot of people who believe that God is somehow their divine vending machine. “Performance equals blessings” is a lie.I don’t think there’s anything wrong with pursuing the good stuff that life offers. I just don’t think they are a validation of me as a spiritual being. I think God’s “blessings,” as I have defined them here are given or withheld based on an agenda that is beyond my understanding.

I had a discussion with someone recently who pointed out God’s hand of blessing on my life. I have a daughter who is a missionary in Guatemala. I have two children adopted from eastern Europe. My bills get paid. I’m not sick and my wife has yet to put me on the road. I’m really grateful for these things but I can tell you a secret? None of that stuff “does it” for me. I came away from that discussion feeling ungrateful and maybe a bit greedy. I have a lot of the “good stuff” but I want something else, something more. Perhaps, I should learn the art of contentment. Later I decided that I’m not really greedy. I’m just hungry, and maybe a bit desperate, but for what?

“Without faith it is impossible to please God. The person that comes to God must believe that he is and that he is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him.” Do you know what the real blessing is, the real reward?

Okay, time for the bottom line. As I search for God everywhere and in every situation the only blessing I want, the only thing that satisfies my heart is more of Him. I don’t want the stuff. I want the person.

Try this. Suppose a child was given a choice. For Christmas he would have to choose between an absent father with a tree surrounded with gifts or a present father with no gifts under the Christmas tree. What does the child decide to do? I think it depends on the maturity of the child doesn’t it?

I’m learning to desire His presence more than His presents.

But I don’t know, that’s just me talkin’.

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