Waiting Again for the Moon to Turn Blue

The hard part about coming to see you is that I can’t take Miguel home with me. Mom says it will probably be in the spring before he comes home. I’m glad his new big sister is going to be close by. I think it may be a good idea if you teach him to call you something besides “mama.” If people get the idea from Miguel that you’re his mom, it may put a hitch in your social activities. I mean that’s just me talking. It’s really up to you.

There is a major down side to this whole Miguel adventure. I’m going to have to go to that little piece of Hell in central Florida yet again: Disney World!

The thing I love about adopting older kids is watching them experience the novelty of new stuff. I mean with the exception of Disney World of course. I loathe that place. I remember Nicoleta and Luc eating icecream for the first time. That first “brain freeze” is such a precious memory to me. That first hypnotic trance in front of a television set puts a lump in my throat. I can’t wait because now we have HDTV. Sponge Bob never looked so good.

There’s new stuff for me too. I remember Luc cursing your mom and I in Romanian for the very first time. I was positively beaming with pride. Such skill of the Romanian vernacular in a four year old truly astounded me. Losing the language is really not such a bad thing is it. People used to tell us that it was such a shame they had to lose their native language. People found it so exotic to be called the street slang for the uh…male appendage in Romanian. I guess we could have left Luc in that box outside of Cluj or left Nicoleta in that crib in Sighisoara. Then they would have retained their language. Idiots.

Will you do me a favor? Will you take Miguel to Disney World? I hate that place.


But I don’t know, that’s just me talkin’.

1 Comment

  1. too bad about the loathing DW. I like those sorts of places. Those memories are great. As a side note, my two friends adopted from Korea managed to keep their language, but I don’t know how? Talking to eachother I suppose.

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