Juicy and Delicious


You are such a joy to me. I love watching you grow and mature. Don’t be discouraged because of the trials you go thru with Heather. See them as a personal invitation from God to you to become more intimate with Him. I know we haven’t always seen eye-to-eye on how God speaks but He does speak to us doesn’t He? God communicates to me in my circumstances. When times are hard He is saying, “Come sit by Me, I want to show you how you can become more like Me.” Circumstances, especially hard ones, are God’s way of inviting us to join Him. The truth of the matter is that there will always be difficulty. So, as the Bible says, “Count it all joy…..” God is moving Ashley. Watch what He does.

Mike is anxious to see you. He wants you to vent your ministry frustrations with Him. He’s a wise man Ashley. You can trust Him. I think he can offer you insight into ministry stuff that I don’t have.

Community is so important in our walk with Jesus. In fact, it’s vital. In the midst of our frustration, confusion, and anger a discerning brother or sister can see into your circumstances and point out the presence and work of God that seems absent to you. I also think that God invites us to look up from our own difficulty and search for His activity outside of the context of our little stories. Trust Him with your issues and ask Him to use you as a tool in His hand to be a blessing to another. That’s what faith looks like as it operates in our hearts.

God has purpose for Heather in your life. God has purpose for you in the life of Heather. My prayer for you is for wisdom and insight. I think God is using Heather in your life for that end result. My prayer for Heather is that she will find her heart again. I think God is using you in her life for that end result. You live from your heart Ashley and that is good. I don’t mean that you live from your emotions. There is a difference. I think you need a good dose of wisdom sometimes and Heather seems like a good source of it for you. On the other hand, I see Heather living from her own understanding. She needs a good dose of heart and you are in a position to remind her of her first love. Be a good reminder Ashley. But it’s not up to you to change anyone. It would be cool if God used you in such a way wouldn’t it?

Here’s the last word. Take yourself “as-is” to God. Express your anger, frustration, whatever! David did it all the time in the Psalms. The Holy Spirit inspired David to vent! Wow, what an awesome God we serve! God called David the apple of His eye. Wouldn’t eternity be grand knowing God thinks of you like that!

Love, Love


But I don’t know, that’s just me talkin’.

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