

I was reminded last night of the value of the past. The Israelites built memorials in the wilderness. These memorials were to remind the wandering Jews of God’s faithfulness in the past. When the time of manna was over a portion was saved in a jar to remind the people of God’s faithfulness. Okay, God said to build monuments. Why? Because people forget. If my dad instructed me to perform a task while he was at work, telling him later I forgot about it led to unpleasantness. The truth of the matter is I was more interested in my own agenda than my dad’s (regardless of the consequences it seems.) As an adult I haven’t changed that much.

When present circumstances become adverse why do I forget God’s past faithfulness? Here’s the reason as God reveals it to my heart. God doesn’t place a very high priority on my agenda. He hasn’t been faithful in the past of furthering my selfish desires. Consequently, I have no pleasant memories of his faithfulness. That shouldn’t come as a surprise. He promised me something beyond my imagination. Remember the little boy in the mud puddle? My agenda keeps me happily content in my little hole of water and mud. God’s agenda wants to take me to the ocean. As my will is conformed I recognize his faithfulness in the past and I remember my own jars of manna. (thanks Stuart)


But I don’t know, that’s just me talkin’.

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