What Time Is It?

Hey Sweetie,

The thing about hard times is that they don’t last. Do me a small favor. For just a moment look up from your tough circumstances and step away from them. Find someone who is having a hard time and help them. Who comes to mind? I know it sounds like cheesy advice but that’s because you haven’t stepped away from your own misery yet. If someone wants to help you, let them. It’s good for your heart to receive love from someone else. I know the pressure you’re under. I’ve been where you are now. What you have to do seems so overwhelming. I know this. I also know that much of what you have to do seems useless to you now. Please remember that what you are doing now isn’t for now but for later. You’re investing energy now for what the LORD has for you later. Don’t despair and do not give up. YOU DO NOT HAVE MY PERMISSION TO QUIT!! You do, however, have my permission to fail an NT-101 exam from time to time. I don’t think the LORD cares that much about your GPA anyway.

I spoke with a man the other day about the movie End of the Spear. This person told me that they have only met one person like the men portrayed in that movie. That person is Ashlee Williams. It may not seem like it Ashlee, but there are lots of people here praying for you. I talk to God about you before I talk to him about myself. I love you so much. You are one of my heart’s great loves.

One last thing. It may seem silly but it may help you later. Don’t use the same Bible in class as you use in your quiet time with God. There is such a danger of the Bible becoming a text book. You must guard your heart against that. God’s word is alive! His word endures forever! The problem with a classroom is that it seems like they treat God’s word like a cadaver to be dissected and analyzed. I don’t think that is anyone’s intent but it sure seems that way sometimes.

I love you sweetie.


PS I miss you……..

But I don’t know, that’s just me talkin’.

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